There are Tens of Thousands of people from villages and slum India who apply 'jugaad' (make-shift-arrangement) everyday to solve problems without any outside help. But the only difference between them and those experimenting similar things in Hi-Tech Labs of Urban World is the 'recognition'. And so the 'recognition' goes to those who have 'funding' attached to it.
Most of the Indians or for that matter people from Brazil or Phillipines may be economically poor, but they are not poor in their mind. They have amazing creativity, ideas and innovation within.
The best example is that every single india born is not having english as his/her primary language. Their primary languages are Malayalam, Tamil, Gujarati, or mostly Hindi. But they apply the art of creativity in learning English. I did the same! Truly speaking I was not able to converse in english till the age of 14. I am comfortable now.
There had been many thousands of grassroot innovations from villagers and slums. If you get a chance to go visit villages or slums and see their entertainment devices like TVs, DVD Players, Music Systems, you'll find innovation around it. Do you remember placing speakers in 'matka' (round clay pot) during childhood times just to get good bass and beats out of the music by investing low cost? There had been Kabir, Rahim and many Sufi Saints who were super creative in their thoughts even though they were poor.
Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory fails here, and so Enlightment doesn't come only after Physiological or Security needs are fulfilled. It is in everybody's mind! So start Innovating! go Creative! prepare and let prepare as many 'jugaad' you can to solve problems, and help poor people patent these 'jugaad' to set them free of poverty thru their creativity!
(Posting a video where poor indians of today innovated and solved some problems using their creativity - Appachan made a tree climbing apparatus, Md. Saidullah at age of 70 innovated cycle which can be used in flood as rescue device, Dhanji Bhai modified the scooter by self which dwarfs can ride, etc.)
1 number hai :)
Abhishek Joshi
@Abhishek: Thanks Bhai! I am giving an attempt to write these days :)
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