I see Life as a Program, and at any point in time we are always in the middle of one or more projects in our life. But where we head towards in this program is largely dependent on the success of the projects. Life would have been cake-walk if we were exceeding expectations of key stakeholders, and completing all of our projects in time and within the budget. But truly speaking, most of the projects are running late, and are over budget. Moreover, there is a constant pressure both from within and people we connect - to perform better, and improve efficiency on every project. And so, we work hard towards completing the very project we are in, and put short term goals. Having achieved the same, we celebrate, and move on to the next project.
We completely forget about the Program, and eventually get into the trap of taking projects, setting goals, finishing it up, and repeating the same cycle. If nobody tells us about the 'Program', we will soon hit 45, and then start thinking about Life (The Program). And then will pick the reasons for failure, and will play the 'blame-game' for rest of the life.
I am setting up this Group of Facebook to share the Ideas we have learned from experiences, and get the followings in the best form of iDEAS to LiFE:
1. Tools to get most out of your Life.
2. Learning from the experiences you had.
3. Methods to identify the 'Hidden You'.
4. Decrease the turn-around-time for solving real life problems.
5. Strategies to improve your skills, and many more.
Return on Investment (ROI) is a key concept in business, and spending time in a Group is no different. I hope you'll get right ROI from this group. To calculate your Investment, go through this table:
And to calculate the return, you have to:
1. Take this group seriously: Really, it is up to you on how much you are applying these principals in your life?
2. Believe this group: Have faith in whatever you take up in life. And give time for tree to grow up before you look out for fruits.
3. Participate in the group: It is not the best answers from your Gurus can help you live the life to maximum; it is the questions you put up to them.
So let us start on this collectively, and thank you for your time for taking this read, and I believe we can share here some of our Ideas in living a better Life.
live life to the full its only one opp
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