When you were in school, this was the question which was shooted the most - "What would you like to become when you grow up?". And then you'll hear the answers covering all the professions. But when you grow up, there is change in wish. You get to experience more reality, and then you filter, change & narrow your goals based on the surrounding opportunities & your competency.
But many of us today just plan out short-term goals, and once achieved; we raise another set of short-term goals, and keep the loop going till we hit the age of 65, where we eventually realize and then question ourselves - "What was the human life for?", "Why was I sent to this planet as a human being, and not as any reptile or a tiger?", etc etc. And then suddenly you'll draft a Spiritual Plan, and join some house of worship to devote rest of your life understanding the meaning of those questions.
In my opinion you should craft out both short-term goals and long-term goals which should be revisited every 6 months, and stay more focussed on top 3-5 goals every year. Make one goal from each of the nine categories:
1. Career Goals
2. Relationship & Family Goals
3. Financial Goals
4. Educational Goals
5. Health & Fitness Goals
6. Community & Social Involvement Goals
7. Self-Understanding & Personal Goals
8. Spiritual Goals
9. Leisure Goals
Truly speaking, setting up a goal sheet is much easy, but many of us wouldn't know which direction to move to achieve them. The best way is to measure where you are right NOW. And so a correct assessment of our current situation is very much required to move ahead. I suggest a simple way of doing it - Against each goal list down some obstacles which could get in your way, and list down the resources you will need to overcome those obstacles. Resources can be your family members or friends or coworkers too. And more precisely have a Start Date & End Date attached to all of the goals!
It is always that when you regular habit of reviewing your goal sheet, you'll be able to achieve them. So what are you waiting for? December 31? My dear, do it NOW.
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